Friday, August 2, 2013

What's a Boo-Boo?

Boo-boos are mistakes, the itsy bitsy ones, or the colossal faux pas that you can't ever seem to forget.  In my case, I'll start by telling you why I began this blog and why it's something everyone needs to know.

First the introduction.  I'm a charity knitter, nearly full-time, which means I've tried to help out a lot of organizations with baby hats, sweaters, scarves, etc.  And all of this was working well until someone said, "you ought to be selling your sweater sets."  Long story short, Etsy is a place for that, so I started up  my store, yesterday, as a matter of fact, and it's on under the name of Aardvarknittery.  It's all those charity sweaters and hats I didn't send off to unknown babies, but when they sell the money, less the commission, will go to charity.

Next you should know that I'm a retired educator and because of that I can't seem to stop teaching.  Along with my gorgeously accomplished friend Ginger, we host a FREE knitting/Crocheting class each Friday.  Even if you don't have needles, hook or yarn, if you show up, we do and we'll get you on your way.  Oh did I mention we also have sinfully wonderful snacks as well...just a little perk to the afternoon of fun and friendship around the art of yarn.

This is a clear enough picture of who I am, but back to the Boo-Boos.  In life we all have them, but there are graceful ways to extricate yourself. Philosophically, shutting your mouth and saying "sorry" covers probably 90% of boo-boos, but when it comes to fiber arts, you have only so many other choices, since this one won't work.

Say you are several rows into a project and you spot a big old mistake back down the line.  My motto is that if you hold it up and a guy gallops by on a race horse and he can't see it, then forgeddaboutit. If he does, then you may be forced to frog know, ribbit, ribbit, rip it, rip it.  You carefully rip it out and fix it.

Or, you can toss the darned able mess into the fireplace (in winter), burn it up to cinders and begin again.  I mentioned this to my class one time and it elicited a violent response from one lady who seemed to think I'd tossed in a body as well.  I'm careful where I mention this solution these days.  If no one can identify the ashes, did you actually make the mistake?

But in the end, when you have a mistake, a boo-boo, you do need to address it.  I have found some interesting and socially acceptable ways of dealing with this.  If you want to know about them, just stay tuned and I'll spell it all out for you in the days ahead.

While most of what I say will deal with fiber arts and how to work with them, I have a lot of yet to be published words left in my personal wordy-gurdy - just turn the crank and out they come.  We may deal with life, because it continues to happen no matter what you are knitting or crocheting.

Come back soon and let me know what you are working on, or wish you were.  I may be able to help you find answers or places to visit where you might get the information for which you seek.

Hugs to you and your projects too,  Pat.

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